There are many ways to find yourself—and others—at Mason. Check out the clubs, organizations and all the activities on campus. Get out there!
Join in. (You wouldn’t want to miss out.)
Learn to juggle. Celebrate Arabic culture. Sing your heart out. With more than 350 student organizations at Mason, there are so many ways for students to find their niches, get involved, and meet new friends in the process. Our student groups are responsible for many of the programs and events on campus each year and contribute to lively, engaged campus community.
Is Fraternity and Sorority Life for you?
Fraternity and Sorority Life have been a part of Mason since day one, starting with just two fraternities and one sorority. Now it’s grown to 40+ letter organizations with a diverse group of active student contributors and participants in the Mason community.
Get the words out.
Have your own radio show on WGMU, write a column for the Fourth Estate student newspaper or edit one of our literary journals. There are plenty of opportunities to try your hand in the various media outlets available on campus. It can even help beef up your resume.