Area Chair, Accounting
Additional Roles: Associate Professor, Accounting
Contact Information
Email: lchenk@gmu.edu
Phone: (703) 993-4532
Office Location: Enterprise Hall 238
Office Hours: By appointment
Long Chen is Accounting Area Chair and Associate Professor of Accounting at the Costello College of Business, George Mason University. She conducts empirical archival research on issues concerning financial reporting and disclosure, corporate social responsibility, corporate governance, auditing, and international accounting. Her work has been published in The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Contemporary Accounting Research, Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, Journal of Management Accounting Research, Journal of Financial Reporting, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Advances in Accounting, Accounting Forum, Current Issues in Auditing, etc. She has taught Managerial and Cost Accounting at the undergraduate level, Advanced Issues in Managerial Accounting in the Master's in Accounting program, and Independent Studies/Directed Readings to graduate students with research interest. Professor Chen received her PhD in Accounting from Washington University in St. Louis in 2008 and worked at Lenovo and Hewlett Packard (China) as a management accountant before pursuing her graduate studies.
Research Interests
- Effects of the institutional environment on accounting choices
- Capital market consequences of accounting choices and managerial decisions
- PhD - Accounting, Washington University in St. Louis
- MS - Accounting, Washington University in St. Louis
Research and Awards
- “CEO Career Concerns in Early Tenure and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Reporting”, with C. Liao, A. Tsang, and L. Yu. 2023. Contemporary Accounting Research. DOI: 10.1111/1911-3846.12874.
- “Does CEO debt-like compensation mitigate corporate social irresponsibility?”, with G. He and G. Krishnan. 2023. Accounting Forum. DOI: 10.1080/01559982.2023.2195983
- “Cross-listings and Voluntary Disclosure: International Evidence”, with Y. Dong, J. Ng, and A. Tsang, 2019. Journal of Financial Reporting 4 (2): 89–113. DOI: 10.2308/jfir-52576.
- “The Relation between Audit Fee Cuts during the Global Financial Crisis and Earnings Quality and Audit Quality”, with G. Krishnan and W. Yu, 2018. Advances in Accounting 43: 14–31. DOI: 10.1016/j.adiac.2018.07.007
- “Audited Financial Reporting and Voluntary Disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Reports”, with B. Srinidhi, A. Tsang, and W. Yu, 2016. Journal of Management Accounting Research 28 (2): 53–76. DOI: 10.2308/jmar-51411
- “Outsourcing the Information System: Determinants, Risks, and Implications for Management Control Systems”, with M. Christ, N. Mintchik, and J. Bierstaker, 2015. Journal of Management Accounting Research 27 (2): 77–120. DOI: 10.2308/jmar-50847
- “The Effect of Mandatory IFRS Adoption on International Cross-Listings”, with J. Ng and A. Tsang, 2015. The Accounting Review 90 (4): 1395–1435. DOI: 10.2308/accr-50982
- “Debtholders’ Demand for Conservatism: Evidence from Changes in Directors’ Fiduciary Duties”, with J. K. Aier and M. Pevzner, 2014. Journal of Accounting Research 52 (5): 993-1027 [Lead Article]. DOI: 10.1111/1475-679X.12062 Top 10 cited articles published between 2014-2015 that contributed to JAR’s 2016 Impact Factor
- “Obtaining Assurance for Financial Statement Audits and Control Audits when Aspects of the Financial Reporting Process are Outsourced”, with J. Bierstaker, M. Christ, M. Ege, and N. Mintchik, 2013. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 32 (supplement 1): 209-250. DOI: 10.2308/ajpt-50382
- “Comments by the Auditing Standards Committee of the Auditing Section of the American Accounting Association on the IAASB Proposal: Improving the Auditor’s Report”, with K. Jones, L. Lisic, P. Michas, R. Pawlewicz, and M. Pevzner, 2013. Current Issues in Auditing 7 (1): C11-20. DOI: 10.2308/ciia-50336
- “Pro Forma Disclosures, Audit Fees, and Auditor Resignations”, with G. Krishnan and M. Pevzner, 2012. Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 31 (3): 237-257 [Lead Article]. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaccpubpol.2011.10.008
- AAA FARS Excellence in Reviewing Award, 2022
- Teaching Excellence Award Finalist, GMU, 2021
- Dean’s Scholar Award, School of Business, 2020-2023, 2017−2020
- Faculty Service Award, School of Business, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019
- Thank-A-Teacher Recognition, GMU, 2020, 2017
- Career Connection Faculty Award Nominee, GMU, 2018, 2017, 2015
- Study Leave Award, GMU, 2017−2018
- Outstanding Research and Publication Award, School of Business, 2016, 2015
- Competitive Summer Research Grant, School of Business, 2016, 2015, 2011
- Competitive Summer Research Funding, Provost Office, 2014, 2011
Media Clippings
- August 23, 2023 - Management Today
CEOs can use CSR reporting to signal skilled leadership – and reap rewards - July 26, 2023 - Accounting Today
Newer CEOs more likely to favor ESG reporting to build their reputation