Professor, HAP
Personal Websites
Dr. Jeah Jung is a Professor in the Department of Health Administration and Policy. Jung’s research analyzes health policy issues using approaches to infer causal relations from observational data. Jung’s focus has been on provider incentives, prescription drug policies, Medicare Advantage, and health disparities. Jung has been the Principal Investigator of several R01 grants from the National Institute on Aging (NIA). Her work appears in high-quality health economics or health services research journals, including Health Services Research, Health Economics, and Journal of Health Economics. She currently serves on an NIH study section as a standing member, and she teaches the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services workshop on how to Medicare Part D data for health research. Before coming to Mason, Jung was a faculty member in the Department of Health Policy and Administration at the Pennsylvania State University.
Select Publications
Jung, J., Carlin, C., Feldman, R., Measuring Resource Use in Medicare Advantage using Encounter Data. Health Services Research, September 2021. doi: 10.1111/1475-6773.13879. Online ahead of print.
Park, S., Jung, J., Burke, R., Larson, E., Low-value care in Traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage, 2006-2015. JAMA Network Open, 2021;4(3):e211762. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.1762
Jung, J. Feldman, R., Kalidindi. Y., Riley, T. Association of Direct Anti-viral Agents with After-Treatment Medical Costs in Medicare. JAMA Network Open. 2020;3(6):e208081.
Jung, J., Feldman, R., Kalidindi, Y., The Impact of Integration on Outpatient Chemotherapy Service Use and Spending in Medicare. Health Economics, 2019, 28:4, 517-528
Wu, B., Jung, J., Kim, H., Polsky, D. Entry Regulation and the Effect of Public Reporting: Evidence from Medicare Home Health Compare. Health Economics, 2019, 28:4, 492-516
Jung, J., Feldman, R., Growing Reinsurance Payments Weaken Competitive Bidding in Medicare Part D. Health Services Research, 2018, 53:6, 4371-4380
Jung, J., Xu, W., Kalidindi, Y. The Impact of the 340B Drug Pricing Program on Care Site and Spending in Medicare. Health Services Research, 2018, 53(5), 3528-3548.
Jung, J., Feldman, R., McBean, M., The Price Elasticity of Specialty Drug Use: Evidence from Medicare Part D Enrollees with Cancer. Forum for Health Economics and Policy, 2017, 20:2
Xu, W., Jung, J., Socio-economic Differences in Overuse of Cancer Screening Tests and Distributional Effects in Medicare. Health Services Research, 2017;52(5):1772-1793.
Jung, JK, Wu, B., Kim, H., Polsky, D., The Effect of Publicized Quality Information on Home Health Agency Choice. Medical Care Research and Review. 2016 Dec; 73(6):703-723.
Honors and Awards
- Second-place Winner, Paper Competition by Patient Access Network (PAN) Foundation and American Journal of Managed Care, 2016
- Fran and Holly Soitsman Faculty Development Endowment, College of Health Human Development, Penn State University, 2012
- Delta Omega Phi, The Honorary Public Health Society, University of Minnesota, 2007
- Member, AcademyHealth, https://academyhealth.org/
- Member, International Health Economics Association, https://www.healtheconomics.org/
- Member, American Society of Health Economists, https://www.ashecon.org/
- PhD, Health Policy/Economics, University of Minnesota
- MPH, Health Policy, Seoul National University (Korea)
- BS, Pharmacy, Seoul National University (Korea)