Associate Professor, Management
Additional Roles: PhD in Business Program Director
Contact Information
Email: hvough@gmu.edu
Phone: (703) 993-1781
Office Location: 9900 Main Street Suite 253
Office Hours: By appointment
Heather C. Vough is an associate professor at George Mason University. She has previously held academic positions at the University of Cincinnati and McGill University. She received her PhD in Business Administration from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Her research is focused on identity construction and sensemaking in organizations, professions, and careers. Her research has been published in the Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Administrative Science Quarterly, Human Relations, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Management, and Organization Science among others. Her work has also been featured in the Harvard Business Review, the Washington Post, the Globe and Mail, the Wall Street Journal, Psychology Today, U.S. News and World Report, and the Huffington Post. She has served on the editorial board of five journals and is currently one of the qualitative Associate Editors at the Academy of Management Journal.
Media Clippings
- October 16, 2023 - The Academic Minute
Why People Don’t Call Themselves Entrepreneurs - September 18, 2023 - Great Place to Work
How a Focus on Passion in the Workplace Can Push Employees Toward Burnout - July 2023 - HR Future
Social gaffes in the workplace - January 24, 2022 - HR Dive
Social Gaffes Can Make or Break Your Work Relationships - August 2, 2021-Cincinnati Public Radio
Workplace Interruptions Can Be Annoying, But There Is An Upside, Study Finds - March 18, 2021 - HR Exchange Network
Ep. 55 The Resilience of Women During the COVID Era of Work