Faculty, Honors College
Contact Information
Email: dkuykend@gmu.edu
Phone: 703.993.1110
Mail Stop: Honors College, MSN 1F4
Campus: Fairfax
Office: Horizon Hall 6254
Davis Kuykendall is a faculty member in the Philosophy Department and the Honors College. He received his B.A. from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and his Ph.D. from Purdue University. Dr. Kuykendall's research interests include early modern philosophy, especially Leibniz, and issues related to causation in metaphysics and the philosophy of science.
Selected Publications
"In Defense of the Agent and Patient Distinction: The Case from Molecular Biology and Chemistry," The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, forthcoming.
"Agent Causation, Realist Metaphysics of Powers, and the Reducibility Objection," Philosophia, 2021.
"Powerful Substances because of Powerless Powers," Journal of the American Philosophical Association, 2019.
"Leibniz on Spontaneity, the Eduction of Substantial Forms, and Creaturely Interaction: A Tension," Studia Neoaristotelica, 2019.
Courses Taught
PHIL 100 - Intro to Philosophy
PHIL 173 - Logic and Critical Thinking
PHIL 303 - History of Modern Philosophy
HNRS 110 - Research and Inquiry
HNRS 131 - Misinformation in Science
HRNS 360 - Scientific Controversies