Brad Greenwood

George Mason University Costello College of Business Faculty Brad Greenwood
Titles and Organizations

Professor, Information Systems and Operations Management and 
Maximus Corporate Partner Professor of Business 

Contact Information

Office Location: Enterprise Hall 105
Office Hours: By appointment

Personal Websites


Dr. Brad N. Greenwood is a professor of information systems and operations management and the Maximus Corporate Partner Professor of Business at George Mason University. He joined the faculty at George Mason from the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management where he was an Associate Professor of Information and Decision Sciences. Previously, he has also served on the faculty at Temple University’s Fox School of Business and the University of Maryland’s Smith School of Business. Dr. Greenwood’s research examines the intended and unintended consequence of innovation, and how access to the resulting information affects welfare at the interface between business, technology, and social issues; notably in the contexts of healthcare and entrepreneurship. He is currently an Associate Editor at Management Science and his work has been published in such leading outlets as: The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Administrative Science Quarterly, Management Science, Organization Science, Information Systems Research, Productions and Operations Management, MIS Quarterly, the Communications of the ACM, the Strategic Management Journal, the Journal of Business Ethics, the Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, the Journal of Medical Internet Research, and PLoS ONE.

Research Interests

  • Consequences of Innovation
  • Public and Population Health
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Digital Platforms
  • Healthcare


  • PhD – University of Maryland, College Park
  • JM - George Mason University
  • MBA – University of Notre Dame
  • MIT – Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
  • BS – Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

His corporate experience includes nearly eight years as a deputy project manager and analyst for CACI International, a mid-sized consulting firm in the greater Washington DC Metro Area. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology and Management Information Systems from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Dr. Greenwood also received: a Master’s of Business Administration in IT Consulting from the University of Notre Dame; a Master’s of Informational Technology from Virginia Polytechnic Institute; and a PhD in Decision, Operations and Information Technology, with a minor in Strategic Management, from the University of Maryland, College Park.

Research and Awards


Invited Publications


  • Spring 2022 Profiles of Mason Square Award, George Mason University
  • Fall 2022 Teaching Excellence Award Nominee, George Mason University
  • INFORMS – ISS – Bapna-Ghose Social Justice Best Paper Award “Digital Multisided Platforms and Women's Health: An
    Empirical Analysis of Peer-To-Peer Lending and Abortion Rates”
  • Association for Information Systems Distinguished Member, Fall 2022
  • The paper “Robotic Innovations in Medicine: Gender Biases in the Adoption and Utilization of DaVinci Surgical Suites,” received the 2022 OMT Responsible Research Award from the Academy of Management
  • 2022 Association for Information Systems Distinguished Member
  • 2022 Academy of Management Responsible Research Award (OMT Division) “Adaptable Tools and Women’s Job Performance in Male-Dominated Fields: Evidence from Robotic Surgery”
  • 2022 Organization Science Exemplar Article for Intra-Organizational Knowledge Transfer “The Role of Individual and Organizational Expertise in the Adoption of New Practices”
  • 2022 Antonin Scalia Law School Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement in the Juris Master of Laws (Awarded to graduating student with the highest core GPA)
  • 2022 George Mason School of Business Outstanding Service Award
  • 2022 George Mason School of Business Outstanding Publication Recognition
  • 2021 Research Support Grant – George Mason University Foundation ($26,000)
  • 2021 Finalist - Academy of Management Fellows Responsible Research in Business & Management Award “The Role of Decision Support Systems in Attenuating Racial Biases in Healthcare Delivery”
  • 2021 Poets & Quants - 40 Under 40 - Best Business School Professors
  • 2021 George Mason University School of Business Dean's Scholar Award 2021 - 2024
  • 2021 George Mason School of Business Outstanding Publication Recognition
  • 2020 National Academy of Sciences Cozzarelli Prize (Best Paper for Behavioral and Social Sciences at PNAS) “Physician–patient racial concordance and disparities in birthing mortality for newborns”
  • 2020 National Institute for Health Care Management Foundation Research Award Finalist “The Role of Decision Support Systems in Attenuating Racial Biases in Healthcare Delivery”
  • 2020 Management Science Best Paper Finalist “Can You Gig It? An Empirical Examination of the Gig Economy and Entrepreneurial Activity” 
  • 2020 Strategic Management Society Best Paper Nominee “The Doctor Will See You Elsewhere: Enterprise Information Systems and Changing Firm Activities” 
  • 2019 Conference on Health IT Analytics Best Paper Runner-Up “The Doctor Will See You Elsewhere: Enterprise Information Systems and Changing Firm Activities” 
  • 2019 ISS-INFORMS Service Award 
  • 2020 Marquis Who’s Who Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award 
  • 2020 Member of Marquis Who’s Who in America
  • 2018 AIS Early Career Award – Association for Information Systems
  • 2018 Sandra A. Slaughter Early Career Award – Information Systems Society – INFORMS
  • 2018 AOM Technology and Innovation Management Division’s (TIM) Emerging Scholar
  • 2018 Carlson School of Management Dean’s Small Grant
  • 2017 Carlson School of Management Award for Excellence in Research
  • 2017 Inaugural ICIS Paper-a-Thon – Mentor for Winning Team
  • Member of Academic Key’s Who’s Who in Business Higher Education (WWBHE) – Fall ‘17 – Present
  • 2017 Management Science Meritorious Service Award
  • 2017 Marquis Who’s Who in America Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award
  • 2017 Summer at Census Scholar (US Census Bureau)
  • Fall 2017 – Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, “Just What the Doctor Ordered? Physician Mobility After the Adoption of Electronic Health Records” TIM Division
  • Richard J Fox Faculty Fellow (Temple University)
  • 2016 Member of Dean’s Research Roundtable (Fox School of Business)
  • 2016 Member of Marquis Who’s Who in America
  • 2016 Young Scholars Seed Grant ($2000), Temple University
  • 2016 Management Science Meritorious Service Award
  • 2015 MIS Quarterly Best Paper Award – “Vocal Minority and Silent Majority: How do Online Ratings Reflect Population Perceptions of Quality?” (Awarded Annually to Top Paper in the Journal)
  • Academy of Management Best Paper Finalist, “Managers’ Political Ideology and Gender Inequality within Organizations” OMT Division
  • Academy of Management Best Paper Nominee, “Can You Gig It? An Empirical Examination of the Gig Economy and Entrepreneurial Activity” TIM Division
  • 2015 Researcher of the Year, MIS Department, Temple University
  • 2015 Conference on Information Systems and Technology, Runner Up for Best Conference Paper “Show Me the Way to Go Home: An Empirical Investigation of Ride Sharing and Motor Vehicle Homicides”
  • 2015 Workshop on Health IT Economics; Runner-Up for Best Young Scholar Award “Show Me the Way to Go Home: An Empirical Investigation of Ride Sharing and Motor Vehicle Homicides”
  • 2015 Young Scholars Seed Grant ($2000), Temple University
  • 2015 Utah Winter Conference on Business Intelligence Poster Slam Most Publishable Paper; “The When and Why of Abandonment: The Effect of Organizational Incentives on Technology Lifecycles”
  • 2014 Most Outstanding Reviewer Award, MIS Quarterly (Awarded Annually to Top Reviewer for the Journal)
  • 2014 Young Scholars Seed Grant ($2500), Temple University
  • 2014 Outstanding Reviewer Award, Academy of Management (Awarded to top 5% of ~1000 BPS division reviewers)
  • 2014 Distinguished Reviewer Award, Academy of Management (Awarded to top 5% of ~700 ENT division reviewers)
  • 2013 Distinguished Reviewer Award, Academy of Management (Awarded to top 5% of ~700 division reviewers)
  • 2013 Allen Nash Outstanding Doctoral Student; RH Smith School of Business (College level award for research and service contribution – selected out of 92 students)
  • 2013 POMS College of Service Operations Most Influential Paper Award, “Performance Effects Related to the Sequence of Integration of Healthcare Technologies”
  • Attendee, Consortium for Competitiveness and Cooperation, Kansas City, MO Spring ‘13
  • Attendee, ICIS Doctoral Consortia, Orlando, FL Fall ‘12
  • Academy of Management Best Empirical Paper Award, “Tigerblood: Availability Cascades, Social Media, and the Environment of the Entrepreneurship” ENT Division Fall ‘12
  • University of Maryland, International Conference Support Award Fall ’11 ‘12
  • Brad Greenwood; Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship Best Working Paper Award “Tiger Blood: Availability Cascades, New Firm Formation and Performance in IT Ventures” Spring ‘11
  • Brad Greenwood, Anand Gopal; Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship Best Student Paper Award “Ending the Mending Wall: Exploring Entrepreneur Venture Capital Co-Location” Spring ‘10

Media Clippings

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