Term Professor
Contact Information
Email: ahabib@gmu.edu
Phone: 703.993.4660
Mail Stop: Honors College, MSN 1F4
Campus: Fairfax
Office: Horizon Hall 3142
Anna S. Habib serves as Associate Director of Composition, managing the undergraduate composition courses designated for multilingual students at Mason's home campus and branch campus in Songdo, Korea. She is also the English department liaison to INTO Mason, coordinating and teaching the writing courses for the international undergraduate and graduate pathway programs. Anna is recipient of the 2020 University Teaching Excellence Award. She also serves as Associate Editor for the WAC Clearinghouse's International Exchanges on the Study of Writing book series and lead Editor for Connecting Writing Centers across Borders, a blog of WLN: a Journal of Writing Center Scholarship.
Selected Publications
Mallett, J. Haan & A. Habib (June 2016). Developing Disciplinary Expertise, Bilinguality, Peer Mentorship, and Language Policy: Four Pedagogical Innovations in the Context of a Graduate Pathway Program. In S. Simpson, N. Caplan, M. Cox, T. Phillips (Eds.). Supporting Graduate Student Writers: Research, Curriculum and Program Design. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
Habib, A., Mallett, K. & Haan, J. (Feb 2015). The Development of Disciplinary Expertise: An EAP and RGS-informed Approach to the Teaching and Learning of Genre at George Mason University. Composition Forum (31). Association of Teachers of Advanced Composition: Penn State University.
Zawacki, T. & Habib, A. (2014). “Internationalization, English L2 Writers, and the Writing Classroom: Implications for Teaching and Learning.” College Composition and Communication 65:4. 654-662. Print.
Zawacki, T. & Habib, A. (2014). Negotiating “Errors” in L2 Writing: Faculty Dispositions and Language Difference. In M. Cox & T. Zawacki (eds.) WAC and Second Language Writers: Research towards Linguistically and Culturally Inclusive Programs and Practices. Parlor Press. Perspectives on Writing Series. Web.
B.A. English, concentration in Cultural Studies, George Mason University
MFA, Creative Nonfiction, George Mason University
PhD Candidate, Writing & Rhetoric, George Mason University