Centers, Initiatives, and Projects

Our centers, initiatives, and projects make Mason a place where students, faculty, and staff from many backgrounds can make an impact and find their own path to success. We'll give you the opportunity to become the person you want to be. Take it.


Campus Climate Committee

This panel meets monthly to discuss incidents, events and patterns of behavior that coudl generate an unfriendly, hostile environment somewhere on campus. If something makes someone feel unsafe, threatens First Amendment rights, or leads to an atmosphere of intolerance, these issues can and will be addressed. Find out more about the Campus Climate Committee.

Patriot Experience

Students can earn credit for participating in this co-curriculum program aimed at promoting growth beyond the classroom. They'll be rewarded for completing all or some of four pathways: Well-being; Career Readiness; Civic Learning and Community Engagement; and Global and Multicultural Competency. Learn more about the Patriot Experience.

Workplace Diversity Research Group

This group works to ensure that no one is stigmatized at work for being perceived as different. Even subtle incidents of discrimination can harm an individual or organization, and lead to differences in pay, promotion, and performance evaluations. Mason won't tolerate any kind of discrimination, whether covert or out in the open.

Dancers perform at Mason International Week

If Mason's International Week inspires you to want to learn more about another culture, look into a study abroad program.

Global Education Office (GEO)

Mason offers a wide range of international study, research, service, and leadership opportunities n nearly 50 countries for undergraduates, graduates, and professionals seeking the knowledge and skills to thrive in a culturally diverse society. There are short-term programs during the winter and summer breaks, semester and year-long programs (including faculty-led semester programs in Florence, Madrid, and Oxford), intensive language courses, and international internship opportunities. Mason GEO also organizes cultural tours. Find out more about study abroad opportunities.

Stearns Center for Teaching and Learning

The Stearns Center for Teaching and Learning offers a range of learning and support opportunities for instructors across Mason’s campuses. Faculty can enhance their skills as educators, as reflective practitioners in their disciplines, and as scholars in teaching, learning, and research. The center promotes a climate of shared intellectual exploration and openness. Learn more about the Stearns Center for Teaching and Learning.

Best Buddies

This group, founded in 1989 by Anthony Kennedy Shriver, is an international organization dedicated to ending social isolation for people with intellectual disabilities by establishing meaningful and lasting one-to-one friendships with their non-disabled peers. The goal of the program is a world where people with intellectual disabilities are so successfully integrated into schools, the workplace and general community. Find out more about Best Buddies.

Mason LIFE

This innovative post-secondary program for young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities offers a university experience in a supportive academic environment. Other students gain experience by serving in such roles as: instructor; resident advisor; internship; practicum; licensure; independent study; field work; mentor; Best Buddy; and volunteer to gain important experiences and knowledge to work successfully with students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Learn more about Mason LIFE.

SAIL members tell Mason students about their organization

Students sign-up to volunteer with local community groups at the School of Integrative Studies- Social Action and Integrative Learning (SAIL) service fair on 9/11 Service Day.​

Social Action & Integrative Learning (SAIL)

This group is an evolving community of students, faculty, administrators, alumni, and community partners who work for positive social change. SAIL fosters integrative, innovative, and experiential learning opportunities on campus, regionally, and globally, pursuing a more equitable, just, nonviolent, and sustainable world.​ Learn more about SAIL.

Mason Autism Support Initiative (MASI)

This comprehensive, fee-based program provides intensive support services to students on the Autism Spectrum who are above the standard accommodations received in higher education. MASI uses a team-based approach to assist students in achieving their scholarly goals by creating an individualized plan of support at the beginning of each academic year. Learn more about the Mason Autism Support Initiative.

Kellar Institute for Human disAbilities

This interdisciplinary campus-based organization focuses on improving the lives and productivity of children and adults with disabilities. KIHd combines the resources of the university with local, state, regional, national, public, and private sector agencies and organizations to develop products, services, and programs for persons with disabilities. Learn more about the Kellar Institute.

Diversity Research Group

The Diversity Research Group consists of administrators, faculty, staff, and students who come together not out of any formal directive but out of a shared interested in the topic of diversity and its impact on higher education. Learn more about the Diversity Research Group.