Jeanne Medford, Director of Business and Financial Services, Mason Athletics

Jeanne Medford has worked with Mason Athletics for 40 years, and her job gives her a chance to do something she loves everyday—help Mason's student athletes and coaching staff. An avid sports fan, she always makes time to attend Mason sports events, cheering on Mason's student athletes.
How did you get to Mason?
I’ve lived in Fairfax since the early 1960s, so I’ve known about George Mason University for a long time. I graduated from Mason in 1982, earning an undergraduate degree in business with a concentration in accounting. I started working for George Mason University Athletics as a work-study student during the summer of 1978 and was hired as a full-time assistant business manager after graduating. I’ve worked my way up to my current position of director of business and financial services for Athletics, and I’m now celebrating 40 years of employment at Mason!
What is the best thing about your job at Mason?
I love being a part of Athletics and supporting the athletes. I’m a sports fanatic, so when I saw the job as a student many years ago, I thought “Wow, how much better can that be, getting to work in sports every day!” I enjoy taking care of the athletes, the coaching staff, and the administration. That’s why I try to go to all the sports games or events at Mason.
Were you a student-athlete at Mason?
I wasn’t a student-athlete at Mason, but I participated in track and swimming at Bishop O’Connell High School in Arlington, Virginia. I was on the first girls track team at Bishop O’Connell, and I also competed in swimming all four years of high school.
Do you have a favorite memory of your time at Mason?
The 2006 Final Four run by Mason’s men’s basketball team. I have a banner for it in my office. Nothing else can ever measure up to that. It was just amazing.
What has been your proudest accomplishment?
At Mason, I’m most proud of my role in taking care of people and preparing them to be able to do their job. It’s important that we help by nurturing and teaching them. Whatever I can do to support our staff and students, that’s what I’m here for.

What are some of your hobbies outside of work?
My biggest hobby is watching sports, especially baseball. Anyone who knows me knows that I’m a huge New York Yankees fan. My office is decked out in Yankees memorabilia. But, my first priority is spending time with my daughter, son-in-law, and my four grandbabies. They are my pride and joy.
What was the best vacation you ever took?
I went to Alaska many years ago. My brother was in the Air Force and stationed in Anchorage, Alaska, and my family visited him for two weeks one summer. We stayed on base and my sister-in-law planned a variety of activities, including visiting Denali National Park. I’ll never forget it. I also loved visiting Grand Canyon National Park. You have to see these places in person—you just can’t describe them.
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
One dream I had was to become a teacher. In a way, I kind of am through my work supporting our athletes and coaching staff in Athletics.